Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Resistance Bands

Resistance Bands are good for one thing: a workout. 
Resistant Writers are good for one thing: distraction. 

When you have that one student that just will not commit to sitting in one place and beginning the writing process, it can be devastating for the whole class. To cope with this semi-common occurrence, I found an article that gives five easy solutions to motivating the troublesome student to get back on track. I have already observed several instances of resistant writers during my field hours. The students offer a whole slew of reasons why they absolutely cannot work at the time but this article provides a counter for every excuse they could give you. Coincidently, our Routman textbook is referenced in one of the suggestions! My favorite suggestions is to tell the student that they are capable of writing a great story that any audience would love to read. I wholeheartedly believe that a child merely seeks to feel valued and appreciated and to know that someone cares about their writing is a great motivator!
